a Learning Anatomy of the Human Heart Using Augmented Reality SLAM Tracking Technology

a Learning Anatomy of the Human Heart Using Augmented Reality SLAM Tracking Technology


  • Green Ferry Mandias Universitas Klabat
  • Aldian Wongkar
  • Yeheskiel Wonte
  • Leonardo Polandos


Augmented Reality, SLAM Tracking, Anatomy of Human Heart


The human heart is one of the most important body organs for humans and has more than 500 functions that work in our bodies. It is very important to study the functions that exist in the anatomy of the human heart in real-time to add insight into our learning. To achieve this goal, researchers use AR technology which is visualized using SLAM technology tracking. In today's world of technology, AR has become one of the highest desires today. Especially in terms of displaying 3D objects that look very real. And also to support the visualization of AR, researchers used SLAM tracking technology. Because SLAM tracking can combine several points and calculate these points so that it can produce an ambient condition in 2D or 3D. The research method used is a prototyping model. This model can develop software that can be done several times to get the desired result. So that it can facilitate software development when there are features that will be added in the future.


